2015-09-22 11:52:14

After establishing such an iconic shape for the case of slow Jo and slow Mo we felt it is time to add a new face to the brand. Not the easiest task to find a design concept that truly embodies the values and idea of slow. For slow Jo and Mo the perfect symmetry represents the balance we are aiming for in life. But adding a meaningful case shape for a new model was a huge challenge and took quite some time…

Then, one day while we took a walk on the beach, we picked up stones to skip across the water. Suddenly, we paused and realized just how amazing the stones feel from being carved by the water over millions of years. They lay so perfectly smooth in your hand and you just want to touch them all the time.

And there it was. Our inspiration and mission for the next slow watch: Wouldn’t it be super slow to create a watch case that is as rounded as these stones made by mother nature!?

And that’s just what we did. You will love the results. It does not only look fantastic but it will be the most comforting watch you will ever wear and its smoothness will always remind you to stay in the flow.

We can’t wait to finally release it to you very soon!


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